
Create CA’s Request to the State Superintendent for Prop 28 Guidance and Student Enrollment Data

July 6, 2023

Dear State Superintendent Thurmond,

On behalf of Create CA, the largest statewide coalition working to ensure all students receive a high-quality and culturally responsive arts education, we are writing to urge timely guidance and the designation of qualified staff to implement Proposition 28 at the California Department of Education (CDE). 

The passage of Proposition 28 is a historic opportunity to reverse years of California’s underinvestment in the arts, provide all students, regardless of their zip code, a complete education that prepares them for the 21st-century workforce, increases their engagement in school, and develops social-emotional skills. As you know, the California Education Code Sections 51210 and 51220 mandates arts education for all students.

As an early proponent of Proposition 28, you acknowledged that “The arts are a necessary part of a well-rounded education. We know the arts help kids connect with school and have a positive impact on student attendance and school climate. With these funds, we are providing every student with a creative outlet.” 

To achieve the promise of Prop 28, we respectfully urge the CDE to issue guidance that clarifies the following implementation questions we continue to hear from the field:

  • What funds are considered part of the 2022-2023 baseline? (e.g., are private philanthropy, parent booster, ESSER, or the Arts, Music, and Instructional Materials Discretionary Block Grant calculated in the baseline?)
  • What are the processes and criteria for requesting a waiver from the CA Department of Education? 
  • What steps should parents and guardians take if they suspect a school or district is using the funds to supplant existing funds and not investing them in expanding arts education?

We also ask that your team release the student enrollment data from the past three years so that we can accurately monitor equitable access to arts education courses across California. We initially made this request on July 6, 2020. California is now the only state participating in the Arts Education Data Project without current data.

We want to be a resource and a partner to you in ensuring the effective implementation of Prop 28 and have been working with state-wide partners to develop resources to help LEAs prepare and plan for the new funds.


Tom DeCaigny

Executive Director

Email California’s Superintendent of Public Instruction Tony Thurmond at Superintendent@cde.ca.gov or tweet him @TonyThurmond

Create CA's Request to CDE for urgent staffing and guidance about Prop 28 to ensure successful implementation of this historic funding